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자기열교환형 버너 ENM-NXT
  • 자기열교환형 버너 ENM-NXT

다아라몰 견적거래 가이드

1. 견적거래란?
판매 제품에 대해 구매사와 판매사간 거래에 최적화되어 쉽고 편리하게 이용하실 수 있는 서비스입니다.
2. 견적 거래 절차 안내


자기열교환형 버너 ENM-NXT

견적거래 제품


  • Walking beam furnaces.
  • Walking earth furnaces.
  • Frit melting furnaces.
  • Pusher type furnaces.
  • Aluminium smelting furnaces.
  • 최소 구매 수량 : 1
  • 주문 수량 단위 : 1

에사코리아 제조사

문의전화 : 0504-3175-2678 제조사 ‘㈜에사코리아’ 에서 직접 판매하는 제품입니다.

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선택 초기화



자기열교환형 버너 ENM-NXT

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ENM-NXT 시리즈는 다양한 유형의 퍼니스에 사용하기위한 버너입니다.

버너용량과 사용 조건에 따라 ENM-NXT 버너는 600℃까지 예열 된 공기의 사용을위해 최적화 된 설계 덕분에 기존의 버너보다 오염 물질 배출 (CO 및 NOX)을 저감하고 기존 버너보다 낮은 소비를 보장합니다.








Walking beam furnaces.
Walking earth furnaces.
Frit melting furnaces.
Pusher type furnaces.
Aluminium smelting furnaces.
Thermal treatment furnaces
Forge furnaces.
Extension furnaces.


Tile furnaces.




■ Capacity: from 400 to 4400 kW

 Pre-heated air up to: 550°C

 Air pressure to burner: 50 mbar

 Gas pressure to burner: 50 mbar

 Double combustion mode:

• FLAME with UV detection

• FLAMELESS for ULTRA LOW NOx emissions

 Extremely low NOx e CO content

 Large flow ratio (average of 6 : 1)

 Maximum working temperature: 1600°C



 Burner body: carbon steel

 Gas collector: cast iron G25

 Air diffuser: refractory cement (T.max=1750°C)

 Gas tube: AISI304/AISI310S

 Body insulation: ceramic fibre

 Surface treatment: galvanization, steel pickling,

    high temperature painting. 






The ENM-NxT burner ignition takes place through PBCFR/

X series pilot burners. The detection instead, is done

via an UV-2 scanner (not supplied).



The adoption of flame control systems is highly recommended

for all operating plants that have temperatures

lower than 750°C (UNI EN746-2 regulations). 








The ENM-NxT burners are LOW NOx burners and the

most recent technical improvements have been applied

so as to guarantee low NOx and CO emissions, remaining,

however, functional even at low chamber temperatures,

during their ignition when the plant is cold.



The burners are solid and robust, with limited dimensions

and weight (the main insulation element is in ceramic

fibre), with separate air and gas inlets, nozzle mixing

(where flame backfire is impossible).




Multistage technology, together with the high combustive

gas recirculation, guarantees low NOx and CO emissions,

even with pre-heating temperature values of upto




When it is necessary, the FLAMELESS version satisfies

the strictest standards, in terms of emissions, maintaining

however, the same air and gas feeding pressures as the

standard version. 





The capacities, flame lengths and velocities, refer to

a burner fed by natural gas (8600 Kcal/Nm3), placed in

a combustion chamber with zero pressure above sea

level and functional with 10% of excess air.


■ MIN/MAX functioning (ON/OFF)

 Chamber temperature 1200°C

 Pre-heated air temperature at 500°C






The procedures indicated in the following chapter must be
carried out by expert technicians. The non-observance of
the instructions given can provoke dangerous conditions.

1 - Check that the combustion air pressure exiting the blower
and the combustive fuel pressure are both within the
allowed range.

2 - Adjust the working pressure and the safety device
pressure of the combustion plant, whether there is one
per burner or one for the whole plant i.e. gas pressure
reduction gear, block valve, relief valve, pressure switches
etc. Simulate the intervention of all the safety devices
including the intervention of the safety over temperature,
checking that the fuel safety block devices react properly.

3 - Place the air regulation valve in the maximum opening
position and adjust the burner inlet pressure referring to
the values indicated in the ‘Burner Performances’ chapter.

4 - Place the air regulation valve in the minimum opening
position and adjust its opening to obtain (in burner inlet
and ejector) the relative minimum power pressure.

5 - Activate the burner control device and attempt the pilot
burner (*) ignition until it switches on. While attempting to
ignite the burner, act on the gas adjustment valve and,
starting from the totally closed position, open it gradually
until the main burner ignites.

6 - Fully open the air regulation valve and adjust, via the
gas adjustment valve, the maximum fuel capacity, checking
the differential pressure created on the calibrated
gas flange.

7 - Double check that, at minimum and maximum power,
the burner inlet pressures correspond to the values in the
in the ‘Burner Performances’ chapter. These values may
differ depending on whether the burner is on or off.

8 - If necessary, with both burners running at the same
power, analyse the combustion products in the chamber
(where possible).

9 - Repeatedly attempt ignition at minimum burner power,
with maximum amplitude, to check the ignition reliability
and flame stability during the adjustment.

(*) For pilot burner ignition and setting, please refer to n.
E3280 technical data sheet.


월 ~ 금요일 오전 9시 ~ 오후 6시 까지


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다아라몰 견적거래 가이드

1. 견적거래란?
판매 제품에 대해 구매사와 판매사간 거래에 최적화되어 쉽고 편리하게 이용하실 수 있는 서비스입니다.
2. 견적 거래 절차 안내