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롤러드라이브 - Rollerdrive EC 5000 ø 50 mm, cylindrical, IP54, for 0 to 40 °
  • 롤러드라이브 - Rollerdrive EC 5000 ø 50 mm, cylindrical, IP54, for 0 to 40 °

다아라몰 견적거래 가이드

1. 견적거래란?
판매 제품에 대해 구매사와 판매사간 거래에 최적화되어 쉽고 편리하게 이용하실 수 있는 서비스입니다.
2. 견적 거래 절차 안내


롤러드라이브 - Rollerdrive EC 5000 ø 50 mm, cylindrical, IP54, for 0 to 40 °

견적거래 제품


  • 콤팩트 설계
  • 에너지 절약형
  • 저소음
  • 쉬운 유지보수 및 설치
  • Flexible possible applications
  • 최소 구매 수량 : 1
  • 주문 수량 단위 : 1
품번 선택
제품 선택 폼
제품 선택 테이블
제품코드 제품가격
EC 5000

선택 초기화



롤러드라이브 - Rollerdrive EC 5000 ø 50 mm, cylindrical, IP54, for 0 to 40 °

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EC 5000 ø 50 mm, cylindrical, IP54, for 0 to 40 °C

Application area

Drive for unit handling conveyor systems, such as transporting cardboards, containers, workpiece carriers or tires at normal ambient temperature. Suitable for straight conveyors, small belt conveyors and especially zero-pressure accumulation conveyors. Also usable in shuttle systems, aligning conveyor segments or transfers to other "conveyor system branches".

Compact design

The motor integrated in the tube allows a very compact design of the conveyor system.

Very energy-efficient

The brushless drive features an energy recovery in braking. The conveyor system can operate without pneumatics or conventional drives, which must be operated continually.

Flexible possible applications

RollerDrive is available in all types of versions, allowing it to be used in all types of different conveyor systems. For the user, this translates into a single interface instead of many. Depending on the application area, PolyVee, round or toothed belts can be used for the transmission of force. Nine gear ratios allow selecting the perfect pairing between speed and torque. The electronic holding brake (Zero-Motion-Hold) holds conveying goods in position, even on gravity conveyors.


The use of decoupling elements achieves particularly low-noise running.

Maintenance-free and installation-friendly

The drive with internal commutation electronics does not require any maintenance. It features an overload protection that prevents damages due to overtemperature or blockage. It is connected securely without complex screw connection by using a motor cable with 5-pin snap-in plug.

The maximum load capacity of the RollerDrive EC5000 depends on the drive head and the length of the RollerDrive.

Length of RollerDrive≤ 1000 mm1100 mm1200 mm1300 mm1400 mm1500 mm
Maximum load capacity per RollerDrive without
drive head
1100 N 925 N750 N650 N550 N475 N
Maximum load capacity per RollerDrive with drive
head (PolyVee, round or toothed belt)
350 N

Before the run-in, the values may differ up to ±20 %. After a run-in phase, the values vary only in the range of ±10 % for 95 % of all RollerDrive used.

20 W

Gear ratioMaximum conveying
Minimum conveying
Rated torque
Acceleration torque
Continuous blocking

35 W

Gear ratioMaximum conveying
Minimum conveying
Rated torque
Acceleration torque
Continuous blocking

월 ~ 금요일 오전 9시 ~ 오후 6시 까지



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1. 견적거래란?
판매 제품에 대해 구매사와 판매사간 거래에 최적화되어 쉽고 편리하게 이용하실 수 있는 서비스입니다.
2. 견적 거래 절차 안내